Fundraising Ideas
The NZ Foundation for Conductive Education relies on the generosity of the community to operate.
If you would like to help us with our work, here are some fundraising ideas:

Payroll Giving
Payroll giving is a voluntary initiative that enables employees to make a donation through their employer’s payroll system. Donations made via payroll giving receive an immediate donation tax credit of 33% of the donation amount. This means if you donate $15, it actually only costs you $10!
Payroll giving is a great way to support an organisation and its easy! For employees, their donation is deducted before their wages are received and they receive an immediate tax credit. For employers payroll giving demonstrates support for the things that matter to employees. For the recipient Charity, you can help provide a steady revenue stream.
If you would like NZFCE to come and talk to your team about what we do, please get in touch.

School Fundraising
Get your local school involved and raise money for NZFCE. They could hold a Mufti Day, have a Bake Stall, or hold an event where Conductive Education could be the charity of choice. Let us know if you have any ideas and we would be happy to help.

Fundraise with your friends
You could organise a gathering with a donation element, charge a small donated fee
- Have a breakfast
- Hold a picnic and sausage sizzle
- Have a themed party
- Bake for your friends

Fundraise at work
A similar concept to ‘Fundraising with your Friends’, suggesting a donation for the following:
- Cake Sale or Office bake off
- Casual Friday
- Office sweepstakes
- Office sausage sizzle